敦風詩社 About Us
「敦風詩社」成立於1965年,並於1970年代改名為「敦風文藝社」,社員近100人。作為非營利學術組織,我們致力於弘揚中華傳統文化,鑽研詩詞、書法、國畫、篆刻等藝術,旨在保存中華文化的精髓, 視古典藝術為寶。我們深信透過對詩詞、書法、國畫和篆刻的深入研究,能夠啟發人們對中華文化的熱愛和深刻理解。我們期望在現代社會中傳承中華文化,為其繼續繁榮盡一份心力。
Founded in 1965 as "Dun Fung Poetry Society" and later renamed "Dun Fung Art Association" in the 1970s, boasting nearly a hundred members, we are a non-profit academic organization. Our commitment lies in promoting traditional Chinese culture through the study of poetry, calligraphy, traditional painting, seal carving, and more. We cherish classical art as a cultural treasure, firmly believing that a deep exploration of poetry, calligraphy, traditional painting, and seal carving can ignite a genuine passion and profound understanding of Chinese culture. Our mission extends to the modern society, where we aim to pass on the rich heritage of Chinese culture and actively contribute to its ongoing prosperity.
本社並無政治及宗教傾向,純粹鑽研詩詞,書法,國畫,篆刻等藝術來發揚及保存中華傳統文化; 以文會友。
The organization has no political or religious inclination, purely dedicated to the study of poetry, calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, seal engraving, and other arts to promote and preserve Chinese traditional culture; fostering friendship through culture.
Dun Fung Art Association is committed to preserving and promoting traditional Chinese arts. We offer classes and workshops in poetry, calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, and seal engraving. Our goal is to provide our members with the opportunity to learn, practice, and appreciate these art forms. We believe that art is a powerful tool for cultural exchange and mutual understanding.
顧問: 伍剛和 周錫坤 伍紹隆
社長: 雷英偉
副社長: 趙彥正
中文書記: 梅彭康
英文書記: 伍紹隆
財務: 陳寶瓊
核數: 周美珠 梅彭康
公關: 雷英偉
學術: 伍剛和